Growing Frontend Mentor to 500k users and $30k MRR - Matt Studdert
Matt Studdert is the founder of Frontend Mentor, which helps people level up their front-end coding skills by building projects. They have over 500,000 users and are hovering around $30k MRR. Matt didn’t start out wanting to run a SaaS, starting out playing poker, then became a personal trainer, before changing his career and learning to code when he was 28.
- 00:00 Intro
- 02:16 Playing Poker full time
- 02:58 Becoming a personal trainer
- 04:24 Learning to code with General Assembly
- 06:33 Front End Mentor
- 08:33 Building a scrappy MVP
- 11:29 Growth for Front End Mentor
- 15:03 Reccos
- Book - badass make users awesome
- Podcast - Acquired
- Indie Hacker - Arvid Kahl, Valentin Wallyn
Follow Matt
My links
- Indie Bites Twitter
- Indie Bites YouTube
- Join the membership
- Personal Website
- 2 Hour Podcast Course
- PodPanda (hire me to edit your podcast)
- This Indie Life Podcast
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EmailOctopus is an independently owned email marketing platform, built to support other small growing businesses. With a focus on affordability and ease of use, EmailOctopus contains all of the features you need to reach and grow your audience. You can start today, with their industry leading free plan where you can contact up to 2,500 subscribers without paying a penny.